Air Crew HVAC – New Jersey HVAC Services

Furnace Repair and Installation

Furnace Services in NJ

As the leaves turn and the chill sets in, the importance of a reliable furnace becomes undeniable. Air Crew HVAC is your premier provider of comprehensive furnace services in New Jersey, ensuring your home stays warm and inviting through the coldest months.

Furnace Installation

Select from a range of top-tier furnaces tailored to fit your home's specific heating requirements. Our skilled technicians deliver installations with precision, ensuring your new heating system operates efficiently and effectively.

Furnace Repairs

Fixing or replacing any parts that are worn out or malfunctioning. Common repairs include fixing igniters, replacing belts or motors, repairing or replacing the thermostat, and fixing leaks in the fuel line.

Maintenance & Tune-Up

Adjusting the system to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently. This might include lubricating moving parts, testing airflow, tightening connections, checking the flue, testing the thermostat operation, and checking carbon monoxide levels.

Furnace Replacements

Removing an old, inefficient, or irreparable furnace and installing a new one. This service includes helping the homeowner select a new furnace that is appropriately sized and fits their energy efficiency requirements and budget.

Furnace Cleaning

This involves cleaning the furnace components such as the blower, the heat exchanger, and the burners to remove dirt, soot, and dust, which can impede efficiency and even become a fire hazard.

Furnace Safety Checks

Ensuring the furnace is not leaking carbon monoxide and is operating safely. This includes checking safety controls, testing safety shut-offs, and ensuring the exhaust path is clear.

Get in Touch with Us

For a warm and comfortable home, trust the furnace experts at Air Crew HVAC. Contact us today to schedule an installation, repair, or maintenance service.

Furnance Repair


It is recommended to have your furnace serviced annually to ensure it’s running safely and efficiently. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your furnace and prevent costly repairs.

If you notice unusual noises, a drop in heating efficiency, frequent cycling, the furnace not starting, or if you suspect a carbon monoxide leak, it’s time to call in the professionals for a check-up.

Yes, modern furnaces are significantly more energy-efficient than older models. Installing a new furnace with a higher AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating can reduce your energy bills and increase your home’s value.

Most furnace installations can be completed in one day. However, if additional work is needed, such as ductwork adjustments or customizations, the process may extend to two days.

A tune-up is routine maintenance to keep your furnace running optimally, which includes cleaning and adjustments. A repair is a service that fixes specific problems when your furnace is not operating correctly.

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